About you

Your original danish name: Victor Hein-Scheitel
You was born on 23rd October 1993 at Gentofte Amtssygehus
You, your mother and I was living at Bernstorfssvej 3, DK-2900 Hellerup, Denmark from your birthday until month of march 1995.

Your mother and your grandparents
Your mothers original name: Helga Scheitel
Your mother was born on 5th April 1964
You mother was born in Africa.
Her mother - your grandmother Mary Scheitel is greek.
Her father - your grandfather Erik Scheitel was danish. Eric Scheitel.
Your grandfather was a policeman in Africa. Later he was a boat driver i Greece.
You mother and her parents arrived in Denmark, when your mother was 4 or 5 years old.
They lived in a flat at Østerbrogade 206, 4. tv., 2100 København Ø Denmark - Oesterbrogade 206, 4. floor, DK-2100 Copenhagen Oe.
Your grandmorther Mary Scheitel is still living in the same flat (She has unfortunately now passed away. May she rest in peace. RIP Mary.
Your grandmothers telephone number is: +45 39 29 68 12
Your mother went to school at Ingrid Jespersens Privatskole, Nordre Frihavnsgade 9-11, 2100 København Ø.
The graduated from Gl. Hellerup Gymnasium, Svanemøllevej 87, DK-2900 Hellerup.
She was educated as a lawyer in Denmark. She went to the university (Københavns Universitet - Copenhagen University)
Later she worked as a lawyer at Danske Civiløkonomer.
Af that she was employed as a lawyer at BRFkredit, where she worked with personnel law.
Next step was a job as HR administration manager in a insurance company called Kgl. Brand - Skandia.
Your father
Your fathers name:  Henrik Hein
Born on 24th September 1959
Living in Hellerup
Address: Lille Strandvej 26, DK-2900 Hellerup, Denmark, Phone: +45 20 83 91 92
Dit danske cpr. nr. 231093-XX53
Din mors danske cpr. nr. 050464-XX82